22 Feb, 2025
Many people find it a challenge to keep up with their housing costs. It is good to remember to keep housing costs up to at most 30% of your gross income per…
Feelin’ ready to receive your acceptance letter? From now on, you are going to be the one giving yourself the acceptance letters because you will be your own boss. Self-employment is…
Dealing with housing stress can be overwhelming. When people feel overwhelmed, it’s easy to overlook a lot of support opportunities available. Luckily, that’s where Good Sense Living can come into…
If you’ve taken a look at housing prices recently, you’ve probably realized that even rentals are getting out of control. And, it’s not just housing, everything is getting more expensive.…
Roughly 70 million people are able to receive assistance thanks to the Social Security Administration (SSA). Even though most people don’t start thinking about Social Security benefits until they are older, it…

Housing Vouchers for Dream Homes

Introduction Everyone has imagined their dream house, closely resembling Barbie’s dream house. Whether it has floor-to-ceiling windows, hardwood floors, or a porch swing, everyone conjured up a dream house for the future. However, a house is not an easy investment, let alone a dream house. For those who are struggling to make ends meet, you […]

12 mins read